The servos are almost in and the final install will follow after this post. The first step when fitting the Stabaliser is removing the covering so the epoxy will make a strong bond.
You measure across the Stabaliser and find the middle. Then use a right angle and draw across the wing. I ended up checking this from other parts of the wing to make sure it was 100% accurate.
The next step is carefully pushing the Stabaliser into the fuselage after you have removed the fuselage covering. I used a hobby knife and ruler to gently cut the covering. I did not want to damage the fuselage.
The first time I pushed the Stabaliser into the fuselage it sounded like it cracked. It did not, so I am not sure what the sound was. I checked it to make sure everything was ok.
Once in, I aligned it with my markings and then used a pencil to mark around the join. This was easy. After removing the Stabaliser, it was easy to gently cut away the covering.
Next will be glueing the Stabaliser into the fuselage and making sure it is exactly correct.
The process was relatively easy. I just made sure everything was equally measured. A tape measure worked well, and the Stabaliser glued well. You do need to use nail polish remover to clean the extra epoxy as it comes out.