Saturday, 6 July 2013

Boomerang II 40 Total Costs in $AU.

This post will include all the costs involved from building to flying. I will add links to the relevant bought parts as well. I am no expert, so my views are made from researching websites, magazines, forums, social media and talking to people. A spreadsheet of total costs is available here. It is a lot cheaper finding a second hand trainer as the hidden costs add up fast. The one below was only $220 for a Boomerang I, excluding the radio.


1. Boomerang II 40 plane: $129 from ModelFlight. (Postage was free with other items included over $200) Reason for purchse: The Boomerang is the most popular trainer as mentioned on several websites and magazines. I found excellent reviews on using this trainer to start flying. The local aeroclub has a few. I like the colours.

2. JR Servos: 519 $19.99 and 539 $21.99 from ModelFlight. (2 each as shown in the instruction PDF guide) $83.96 for 4 x analog servos. Reason fo purchase: JR have a good reputation and the servos would fit into the provided servo mount. As a beginner, I could not justify $36 per servo. You could buy digital servos, however I wanted to keep things simple and reduce overall costs.

3. OS MAX-46AX II with 3071 Silencer Engine: $149.99 from ModelFlight. Reason for purchase: I love OS engines as have others from my Control Line planes. This engine was given a good review in Issue 119 of Radio Control Model News. (Page 32-33). I have done some extensive research into the history and engineering of nitro plane engines. Ron Chernich Model Engine News. DKD

4. ZAP Z-Poxy 30/5 min and Zap Thin CA Glue: I bought all my glue from Bundy ToyWorld. 30 min was $29.99 for 4 Fl Oz. $7.99 for 5 min 1 Fl Oz and $6.95 for the CA Thin glue. Reason for purchase: After watching Youtube clips on Epoxy quality, you do not want rubbish glue holding your plane together. Epoxy should bond to an icecream container lid and not peel off. The CA glue is easy to use and bonds quickly into the hinge. I would not want a hinge to fail mid flight.

5. Du-Bro 2-1/2" Treaded Lightweight Wheels: These were bought from Bundy Hobby & Toys at $10.95 per set. You need 2 sets if you plan to replace all 3 front wheels. Reason for purchase: This was after reading an article on the Hamilton Flying Club. Basic ARTF Assembly of the Boomerang. I should have bought 2-3/4 but could not get them locally.


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