Saturday, 6 July 2013

Building a Boomerang II 40 - Glueing the Wings.

1. First Part of Dihedral Brace.

After trying to figure out the user guide, I thought it may be better to get some advice from the RCGroups Forum. The guide is confusing, and hopefully I have figured this out. The article in this months Radio Control Model News was a bit brief with regards to glueing the wing together.

I measured the aluminium dihedral brace to +- 21.25 mm and marked it. Then mixed my 30 min Z-Poxy. I used way to much, so will use less next time. After covering the bar, I found an old blind rod, and covered the tip with glue. Then used this to apply glue within the dihedral hole, rotating it inside.

Everyone was right about epoxy pushing out when you insert the brace. I had my wife's nail polish remover close at hand and used it with paper towel to clean up the excess glue. My only concern was joining the wing together to make sure the brace set at the correct angle. Any excess epoxy would glue the wings together and I did not want this. Trying to figure out the masking tape process in the guide made no sense, so it was time to improvise. I made sure that even if any epoxy leaked, it would not bond with the wing.

I used 2 small plastic clamps from Bunnings to help keep the wing together whilst the dihedral set on one side.

2. Second Part of Dihedral Brace.

Everything worked out well after removing the masking tape, and so the next part of the project was to glue the wings together. The procedure was much the same as the first part, however this time the epoxy needed to go between the wings as well. Trying to work out how much glue to use is hit and miss.

I mixed the right amount this time, and coated it on the rest of the dihedral using my ice-cream stick paddle. Then repeated the process with a rod and glue into the second wing hole. Epoxy was applied evenly on the one side of the wing ensuring I had enough to make a decent bond.

The wings joined easily together with a small amount of epoxy oozing out. This was easy to clean up with nail remover once the masking tape was removed. I only waited about 15 min before I removed the masking tape just in case it started bonding with the wing.

I did sit on my couch holding the wing together to get the best possible join. The process was easy and so I just need to wait for my servos to arrive.

Till then



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