Saturday, 6 July 2013

Building a Seagull Boomerang II 40

Welcome to my first attempt at building a Boomerang II 40

This blog is not for experienced model plane builders. It is an account of my experience, both good and bad.

  1. After first reading the PDF guide, I started looking for other useful bits of additional information. The first was a good website on the Boomerang I, and the other was a recent article in Issue 119 of the Australian Radio Control Model News. (Bryan Harper & Frank Rettke)
  2. My Boomerang arrived shortly after bought online and was well packed in the box. All looked good and so I set out to follow the instructions.
    1. Glue hinges.
    2. Test hinges.
    3. Go look at other planes.

The instruction manual is straight forward. You remove the hinges, pin them with T pins, put the parts back together again, and glue with Thin CA glue. The image above may help.

The instruction guide tells you to buy Thick CA glue, then asks you to use Thin CA glue on the fabric hinges. I now own both bottles which are essentially super glue. I also used my wife's nail polish remover and an ear bug to clean the excess glue off the wing, rudder and elevators.

Make sure you have a piece of cardboard under the wing to avoid any glue landing on your table. Getting a 1/64" gap seems impossible. It tried everything to get this perfect, but had no luck. After seeing another plane at a local club I felt a bit better. The glue sets very fast, and it is hard to see the hinge when squeezing it out. You need to work quickly as it sets immediately. No second chance here. Making a mistake at this point will not be fun to repair.

Next is glueing the wings together and fit the rudder and flaps.

Till then.



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